Thursday, February 03, 2011

iAds twice as effective as TV.

Media companies and agencies, watch out. The truth is out. Campbell's an early adopter of iAds along with Apple conducted a study. The reports says - Those exposed to one of Campbell's iAds were more than twice as likely to recall it than those who had seen a TV ad. Indeed the five-week study, conducted by Nielsen, showed that consumers shown an iAd remembered the brand "Campbell's" five times more often than TV ad respondents and the ad messaging three times more often.
To quote from, 'Now that the first iAd campaigns are over, Apple is looking for data that would persuade existing marketers to renew or increase their initial investment as well as win over new advertisers standing on the sidelines. The problem Apple is facing is for their high cost of entry -- a reported $1 million minimum for first-run advertisers -- many other options exist for mobile advertising, including rich-media competitors like Medialets that look and feel a lot like an iAd.'

iAd era is here. God save the copywriter. Amen.

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