Monday, March 28, 2011

The next level of Interactivity

Microsoft's XBox Kinetic is one of the most fascinating device in the recent history. A lot has been written about how motion sensors and interactive screens will change the face of communications but this article from Mashable explains the role of Kinetic Technology beyond consoles. And how it will become a key technology platform for brands to communicate with people in the near future.

In the future, it's conceivable that consumers who're scanned into the system could theoretically interact with three-dimensional models of products. Moreover its a technology that heightens the level of fun and consumer interactivity for a brand that goes beyond any form of traditional advertising or communication. Imagine the 3D tours, interactivity and all kinds of shit possible on the Kinetic platform. People talk about Kinetic Branding - this is the true form of kinetic branding. The amount of response it can nurture, the excitement of self-discovery a person can have, the immersive shopping experience it can create, boy oh boy, my brain hurts when I think of the possibilities. However, leveraging the platform will remain a challenge for brands as well as agencies who are still grappling with insights and television scripts. Anyway. Thats another story. Good times ahead, indeed.

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