Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Carandiru and other stories

Last 7 days, I did nothing earth shattering except write a presentation for a new business pitch, got drunk twice in the week and watched three DVDs. But somehow I managed to keep myself busy, therefore, no time to blog.

I guess you can't put all your effort and time to keep your blog alive with a new post everyday. So I decided to blog less. Anyway.

For those of you who haven't watched 'Carandiru, The Movie' yet, you should do it now. Directed by Hector Babenco and co-authored by Fernando Bonassi, Carandiru is one movie which I 'll remember well. I watched it three times consecutively and by the end of it, I was literally speechless.

Carandiru is a story of the prison massacre which took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Honestly, I haven't seen such a prolific script and movie direction before. Like the native American saying goes, It takes a thousand voices to tell a single story . So many stories built into one story and captured in such a beautiful manner.

Do watch it. Am sure it will leave you with lots of food for thought.

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