Gatorade and TBWA are doing some wonderful stuff recently. Their new website Mission G is fantastic. They did a good piece of communication this year during the Super Bowl. The spirt of sports, competition and challenge - BMX, Skates, Snowboard, Ski, Surf, Salsa, Freestyle Dance, Tennis, Basketball, Baseball, Football... Gatorade is bringing action into its marketing. Apart from the regular digital stuff, I feel they have hit upon a big idea...rather one Big Ideal.

Talking about the recent Replay campaign (though a copycat idea of Nike Football in some way) Gatorade have managed to involve a local community. Two school team (Easton vs Philipsburg) from the batch of 1993 will replay a game of football after 15 years. Now that's interesting. And engaging. And sticky. That's because they can keep doing lots of stuff around Replay. Bring back school memories. Bond with friends in real time and most importantly bond for something they were friends in the first place. Idea vs Ideal, a great example.
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