Saturday, October 27, 2007

DIMK, SIMK and a phone

Sachidananda Murthy's article, 'The Precious Hour' on the last page of this week's THE WEEK magazine is really interesting. He wrote about how working couples are finding it increasingly difficult to spend time with their kids. How organizations are dealing with this problem by allowing families and kids of employees to spend time in their campuses. Late working hours and more time spent on commuting has left very little time for parents to spend with their kids.

Enough has been written on the subject of evolving societal changes happening from SIMK (Single Income Many Kids) to DIMK (Double Income Many Kids) to DINK (Double Income No Kids). Murthy writes, "Unlike the adage which says, 'Children should be seen, but not heard', working parents now see, hear and read their children on the screen, thanks to the mobile-internet marriage. Parents can keep in touch with children through mobile phones, though the mobile link can be a source of anxiety, if the child does not respond or if the child calls when one is attending to important work." He also mentions about an informal survey among college students in Delhi recently revealed that the maximum outgoing calls by the student were made to friends while the most incoming calls came from parents. This observation is nothing new, it's a simple relevant universal truth (SURT). Parents worldwide are anxious about their children and wants to keep track of them.

However what surprises me is that not many business tool brands like Nokia E Series, Blackberry or Mobile Services have explored it beyond a point. In the recent past, if I can remember, only "Blackberry from Hutch" and Airtel with it's kid commercial (The kid calls his dad to make him hear the sound of rain drops, who is working on an engineering project in a desert) explored this.

Now here is a bigger insight, "Parents have no time to spend with their kids" which allows you to go beyond a 30 second commercial. There is so much more to explore. A platform that Nokia E Series or Blackberry can own for good, occupy before someone else does it. It gives them the opportunity to explore avenues of bringing parents and kids together beyond communication, branding, advertising. A bigger ideal that create real bonding between real people.

Do discuss, if you have some more thoughts on this.

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