There is an interesting debate brewing up about the role of media. Media - Multi, cross or trans, Henry Jenkins debunking the myths of Transmedia and Faris presents his point of view on Media is one system. Well, while the role of storytelling still remains the fundamental building block, how the story is delivered and how the story unfolds over a period of time is the burning question. In the era of collaboration and participatory media, how media strategies are executed in the future is an interesting perspective. Most marketers and clients in India are still bothered about the perfect creative execution of the television commercial and their media plans revolve around that but the world is changing fast. Therefore it is important to get an understanding of these changes and start experimenting.
In the Indian context, what are the examples and what can we learn from it. How can brands use their media strategies more effectively. Why do we often confuse multi-media as transmedia? When message is the medium, what is the role of the media? How does content and context be used most effectively where people are most vulnerable? Can content alone do the job without any context or is it that context will enable us to create better content? Does new media play a role in transmedia strategies and how to use them? These some of the questions bugging me at the moment. Though I'm spending lot of time reading, understanding and analyzing local examples from Bollywood, the music industry, adverting industry etc, for more clarity.
1) To my understanding most brand advertising campaigns in India are Multi-media planning and executions. What it means is that once a creative idea is executed (mostly likely it is the TVC), the same is adapted to different medium like print, outdoor, web banners and social media. It is the same story and image that is reflected across mediums. No scope for conversation or participation.
2) Bollywood movies deploys both Multi-media and Cross-media planning and execution. What that means is often a book is made into a commercial feature film. The songs are released in CD's and youtube much before the actual launch to create some hype. Making of the film crops up after sometime and finally the film is released in a theatre for public viewing. Somewhere in the scheme of themes you're allowed to share videos with friends and comment on the video or interact with the stars on TV or on a internet chat room etc.
3) However the recent case of Anna Hazare and millions of Indians raising their voice to stand up for India Against Corruption is a great example of Transmedia Planning and execution. A seamless synergy between cause, context, content and community engagement.
Cause: Corruption is a disease that is affecting us all Indians.
Context: Anna Haraze, a social activists aged 72 years going on an indefinite fast until death unless the govt. of India passes the Lokpal Bill in the parliament.
Content: Create your own protest march across all the cities of India and raise your voice and opinion.
Community Engagement: Involve every Indian who cares about India and wants to eradicate corruption. Participation is the content.
Now what happened over the next few days is an amazing set of events which started unfolding themselves independently. Every news channel beamed the events live, millions of Indians took to the streets of almost every major cities in India, every news paper and editorial columns were filled with different opinions and point of view, millions of people signed up online and pledged their support. The govt. filled agreed to draft the Lokpal Bill in the monsoon session of the Parliament. Objective achieved. I can't think of a better example of Transmedia execution from India in the recent past. I guess this is the fundamental characteristic or inherent property of what is being described as Transmedia.
I would love to hear your comments and point of view on the same. Please feel free to share them.
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