Thursday, February 24, 2011

London Olympics vs ICC World Cup

Just received a spam mail asking me to submit my CV for the London Olympics. So I went to the website to figure out more. The official website of London Olympics 2012 also has a section where they're seeking involvement from people to collaborate and participate in making the 2012 Olympics a grand success. They also have a dedicated section, giving details about tickets sales. Clearly someone is doing the right thinking and going about executing it to perfection. The best part, they're transparent, like it should be.
Now look at us in India. We're holding the ICC World Cup. Go to the website and you see the difference. Bad website. Hardly any information. Poor user experience. Absolutely no buzz. Not much talks about cricket in the cafes or college canteens. BCCI/ ICC didn't bother involving people before the games. No collaboration, no jobs for talented young people for making the games a grand success. Instead cops are beating up people waiting outside the stadiums to buy tickets. I mean, come'on. Even sports is corrupt in India. But why on earth is has to be like this? Why?

You see, success of a game depends as much on the level of involvement the organizing committee can create even before the games start. Thats why FIFA/ Wimbledon/ Olympics are so successful every time. the passion and dedication of the organizing committee to involve people right from the very beginning. Simple lessons for us to learn and then implement those learnings. Sports engage people. Sports brings people together. So why take that extra effort in alienating people and driving them away instead of making them partners? Yes I do feel very sad at the state of affairs in my country.

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